Friday, April 12, 2013

Wall and Ceiling Space

        Providing a student-centered classroom for my future students will mean that I will need to be sure to display classwork and art work that is done by my students. By displaying the students work it will give them a sense of achievement and motivate them to work harder and learn more. Wall space and bulletin boards provide areas to display the work of students. It also allows you to display important information, decorative items, assignments, rules, schedules, and other interesting items. Ceiling space can be used to hang student art work, decorations, and class work.

       When making use of wall and ceiling space there are a few things to keep in mind. The first thing to consider is to always display the class rules, daily assignments, and some decorations to capture the students attention. Other things that you can display are the correct paper heading to be used in the classroom and a content relevant display. Bulletin boards should be covered with decorative paper and outlined with a border in order to capture students attention. When coming up with ideas to decorate your room do not be afraid to borrow ideas from other teachers.

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